1. Accepting The Terms
When completing a booking with Platinum Bartenders your booking confirmation is your contract with Platinum Bartenders that you agree to use our services and accept the terms of our service posted on our website: www.platinumbartenders.com

2. Hiring Staff Outside of Agency
2.1 By using Platinum Bartenders services you agree not to hire any of our staff directly for the following 12 months. In the event you hire any of our staff directly for an event, you will be billed an additional 50% surcharge fee & you will be added to our do not serve list.

2.2 Platinum Bartenders staff are under contract to not accept solicitation of services from clients outside of Platinum Bartenders. This includes all services that Platinum Bartenders currently offers. Soliciting a staff member directly puts their job with Platinum Bartenders at risk as well.

3. Rates & Hours
3.1 Please visit www.platinumbartenders.com/rates for current rates.

3.2 A (4) hour minimum is required to make a booking.

3.3 Unless you have indicated in the attached event details a set time of completion, all bartenders, servers, bar-backs & models will continue to work at the event until you, the client, directly communicate to them that they are released at a specific time. Staff kept after the booked time will continue at the same rate in half hour increments.

4. Gratuity
We highly encourage our clients to make sure the staff receive gratuity, whether it be from a tip jar or a tip out at the end of event, preferably in cash. If the host will be unavailable to tip staff the night of the event, we recommend adding gratuity before or after the event using the payment method on file. Gratuity is very important as it gives the staff the incentive to go above and beyond to do a great job in pleasing you and your guests. The majority of our clients tip our staff at the end of their shift based on their satisfaction with their performance. Gratuity processed via credit card or given to staff at your event does not constitute payment for the services directly. Gratuity is in addition to any services provided and cannot be used to discount or replace the hourly charge contracted for the event.

The Client is not held responsible for any parking tickets staff may incur, however, if there is no street parking available for the staff, then the client will need to pay for staff’s parking fees i.e. garage or valet exceeding $5. Client must notify us beforehand with any parking instructions.

6.Travel Rates
6.1 California: If event address is located more than 15 miles outside of zip code: 90212 we charge the IRS mileage re-imbursement fee of .57 cents/mile per staff which goes directly to each staff member working. Delivery rental items are subject to a flat fee. All these charges will be quoted to you at the time of your booking. Our main service areas range from San Diego to Palm Springs to Santa Barbara. The flat travel fee to areas over two hours is $100 per staff.If you are located outside of this perimeter, flight & accommodation may need to be provided in addition to the travel fee.

6.2 Sydney If event address is located more than 25KM outside of post code: 2000 we charge the standard mileage re-imbursement fee of .57 cents/mile or KM per staff which goes directly to each staff member working. Delivery items are subject to a flat fee. All these charges will be quoted to you at the time of your booking. The flat travel fee to areas over two hours is $100 per staff. If the travel time exceeds three hours, flight & accommodation may need to be provided in addition to the travel fee.

7. Staff Selection
We will do our best to provide you with your selected staff. To accomplish this, we ask you to select 3 staff per position from our website upon booking. The earlier you make your reservation, the better chances that your desired staff will be available. We strongly suggest you make your reservation & lock down your desired staff no later than 7 days before the desired start time for your event. In the case that none of your top choices are available, a Platinum Bartenders coordinator will help choose the closest option as the replacement to your selection.

8. Number of staff required
When using our services, we require that there is one bartender per 50 guests. Bartenders can provide professional and quality service up to a maximum of 50 guests for simple ingredient cocktails. If your planning more complex drinks such as craft cocktails we recommend 1 bartender per 35 guests. For servers we recommend 1 server per 40 guests.

9. Cancellations
9.1 Once you book any of our services and/or rentals a cancellation fee of 25% of gross total is effective. Cancellations made within 72 hours of the event date will result in 100% of gross total.

9.2 You are 100% responsible for any errors in the booking detail email sent (staff quantity, event date, start time etc). If there is an error in the event confirmation email we send you that is overlooked, this will fall under our cancellation policy.

9.3 Once the booking form contract has been received and the event has begun, all staff are contracted for the hours booked. In the case an event ends early, no refunds will be issued.

9.4 In the event of a pandemic or natural disaster that results in the event being interrupted a refund of 75% will be issued. Ordered inventory and event planning fees are non-refundable as we cannot recoup planned time or recover purchased inventory costs. A credit note for the event planning portion may be offered if you plan your event with us for a later date following the same set plan.

10.1 All payments must be made prior to event date or on the day of the event. We accept prepayment via credit cards, checks, cash, Venmo & Wire Transfer. Payments in cash can only be made on the event day if a Platinum Bartenders coordinator is present. Any payment made directly to non-management staff will be deemed a gratuity and not payment for services.

10.2 All advanced booking forms received will be charged in full unless a deposit collection has been requested. Deposit amount is 25% of the invoice. The remaining balance will be collected 3 business days before the event start date.

10.3 Venmo is accepted to avoid the c/c fee. Venmo payments can be sent to Venmo Name: Platinum Bartenders LLC. When making Venmo payments, please reference your name & event date so our accounting can easily allocate your payment. Please note, time extensions beyond the contracted time are only permitted if there is a credit card down on file.

10.4 Check payment is only accepted when received 1 week prior to the event date so there is enough time to clear the funds in our account. Check payments waive c/c fee. To pay by check, send the check & signed invoice to: 9701 Wilshire Blvd Suite 1000, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

10.5 We accept wire transfer. Wire transfers must be sent at least 72 hours before the event date. Wire transfers substitute the 2.75% c/c fee in replacement of the $25 incoming wire transfer fee. To pay by this method, ask your Platinum Bartenders coordinator for the wire transfer bank detail sheet.

If you refuse to pay or give fraudulent payment information, we will make every effort to collect the debt. By using our services you agree that all costs we incur associated with collecting debts, including attorneys’ fees and court costs, will be paid by you.

12.Changes To The Terms
Platinum Bartenders may make changes to the Universal Terms or Additional Terms from time to time. When these changes are made, Platinum Bartenders will post the current terms and conditions on the Platinum Bartenders website.

13.Underage Drinking & Client Responsibilities
13.1 The client is responsible for ensuring that there is no underage drinking and confirms that the event is invite only. Our staff is serving alcohol to guests that visibly look of age with the knowledge that the client has done their due diligence (i.e. wrist bands, security guard) to make sure the guests are 21 years of age or older. Our staff has the right to not service anyone who looks under the age of 21 without a valid form of identification. If you plan to serve alcohol to the public, a daily liquor license permit must be obtained for the event. We offer ABC daily liquor license permits if the event is the right fit for us.

13.2 The client is responsible for the actions of their guests and must adhere to all state laws. Platinum Bartenders staff and Platinum Bartenders will not to be held liable or responsible for any violations of the law from the guests or client’s actions.

14.Accuracy of Event Details
The client is responsible for reviewing all the event details in the Event Confirmation email we send out with each booking. Any errors or changes in the details will be the sole responsibility of the client.

15.Release of Liability
15.1 In consideration of participation by the undersigned with Platinum Bartenders. You agree to forever protect, save and keep Platinum Bartenders, their officers, agents, independent contractors, employees, volunteers, interns, assigns, holding them harmless and indemnifying them against all claims, demands, losses, cost, damages, suits, judgments, penalties, expenses and liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of, or in connection with the hiring, contracting, using and/or volunteering of any and all Platinum Bartenders staff and services. You further release and discharge the producers and each of the participants, persons and entities herein from all claims, demands, losses and/or liability of any kind or nature, resulting from any of the acts of the aforesaid in connection with Platinum Bartenders.

15.2 Sexual harassment is unacceptable at Platinum Bartenders events. The client is solely responsible for all guest’s behavior at your event. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexually harassing nature, when: the harassment has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Any Platinum Bartenders staff member who has a complaint of sexual harassment at an event by any guests, co-workers or visitors will clearly inform the harasser that his/her behavior is offensive or unwelcome and request that the behavior stop. If the behavior continues, the staff must immediately bring the matter to the attention of an event co-coordinator (if present) & host. It is the host's responsibility to ensure the sexual harassment completely stops by talking to & or removing the guest from the venue. If the sexual harassment continues, the staff will then be forced to document the harassment and consider pursing legal action against the harasser and client hosting the event.

15.3 Conduct that belittles or demeans any individual based on race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, age, disability, or other similar characteristics or circumstances, whether engaged by clients, client’s guests, independent contractors, supervisors, associates or other non-employees who conduct business with Platinum Bartenders may result in legal action up to and including discharge for independent contractors. This policy covers all Platinum Bartenders independent contractors, clients and client guests.

16. Location
Release Permission is hereby granted to Platinum Bartenders to use the property address located in the event details for photographing and recording scenes for content and social media. Permission includes the right to photograph the venue, attendees, workers, activities, services and entire event unless it is made present in the form of writing prior to the event that such activity is not acceptable. The permission herein granted shall include the right, but not the obligation, to photograph the actual name connected with the premises and to use such name in the social media and marketing purposes.This contract gives Platinum Bartenders and its assigns, independent contractors, photographers, clients, principals, and representatives the absolute right and permission to use, exhibit, display, print, reproduce, televise, broadcast and distribute, for any lawful purpose, in whole or in part, through any means without limitation, any scenes containing the above described premises, all without inspection or further consent or approval by the undersigned of the finished product for the use within Platinum Bartenders marketing purpose.

17. Insurance
Indemnification and Insurance provided by Platinum Bartenders: Customer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Platinum Bartenders LLC, its parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies and their owners, officers, independent contractors and employees not responsible against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, demands, rights, damages of any kind, costs, deductibles, loss of profit, expenses and compensation whatsoever including court costs and reasonable attorney fees (“Claims”), in any way arising from, or in connection with, the event irrespective of the cause of the Claims, except as the result of Company’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Customer shall obtain and maintain, at its own expense commercial general liability insurance coverage that includes coverage for independent contractors and contractual liability coverage specifically referring to this Agreement. Said insurance shall include Platinum Bartenders as an Additional Insured and provide that said insurance is primary coverage with respect to all insureds, the limits of which must be exhausted before any obligation arises under Company’s insurance. Such insurance shall remain in effect during the course of the Agreement, and shall include the following coverages: bodily injury, property damage, broad form contractual liability, personal injury liability, completed operations, and products liability. Such insurance shall have provided general aggregate limits of not less than $2,000,000 (including the coverages specified above), personal injury, and advertising injury of not less than $1,000,000, and per occurrence limits of no less than $1,000,000. If in the event, the customer, building property, venue are added to Platinum Bartenders insurance policy as an additional insured, and an incident occurs, the customer is responsible for the $2,500 deductible, a $500 administration fee & and the surcharge in the annual insurance policy cost due to the occurrence of the incident.

All insurance maintained by Customer pursuant to the foregoing provisions shall contain a waiver of subrogation rights in respect of any liability imposed by this Agreement on Customer as against Platinum Bartenders. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the fact that a loss may not be covered by insurance provided by Customer under this Agreement or, if covered, is subjectto deductibles, retentions, conditions or limitations shall not affect Customer’s liability for any loss. Should Customer fail to procure or pay the cost of maintaining in force the insurance specified herein, or to provide Platinum Bartenders with satisfactory evidence of the insurance, Platinum Bartenders may, but shall not be obliged to, procure the insurance and Customer shall reimburse Platinum Bartenders on demand for its costs. Lapse or cancellation of the required insurance shall be deemed to be an immediate and automatic default of this Agreement. Platinum Bartenders and their assigned insurance company shall provide Customer with not less than 30 days written notice prior to the effective date of any cancellation or material change to any insurance maintained by Customer pursuant to the foregoing provisions. Before the Load In Date, Customer shall provide to Platinum Bartenders Certificates of Insurance confirming the coverages specified above. All certificates shall be signed by an authorized agent or representative of the insurance carrier.